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You are what you learn…whether that is engineering (machine), lawyer (competition), human resources, drug dealing, bullying, etc.…until you learn something else and gain a new knowledge base to shift your paradigm…you can learn your way out of your current situation.

Reactive tendencies are leadership styles emphasizing caution over creating results, self-protection over productive engagement, and aggression over building alignment. These self-limiting styles over emphasize the focus on gaining the approval of others, protecting yourself, and getting results through high control tactics. These include:

Complying: with the expectations of others rather than acting on self-intentions

o   Conservative following of procedures; lives within the rules.

o   Pleases to get others’ support and approval to feel secure and worthwhile. 

o   Belonging to meet authority’s expectations…”goes along to get along” which compresses full extent of creative power into culturally accepted boxes. 

o   Passive…lacks the power to create the future desired.

Protecting: withdraws, acts distant, hidden, and/or cynical.

o   Relies on a perception of arrogance.

Controlling: in regards to task accomplishment and personal achievement.

o   Perfect, driven, ambitious, autocratic.

o   Forceful, aggressive, and controlling.

What is your life learning?