Global Leadership

Even with geographical interconnection, most are not educated to work with people who are unlike us. We all bring our different ways of thinking, understanding, acting and communicating to the table and are not well versed in how to deal with intense diversity.

Global leaders need a global mindset, which consists of three areas:

  1. Intellectual Capital: this is knowledge about business strategies, having a cosmopolitan outlook, and understanding the cognitive complexity. To develop this, a leader should read global publications, as well as attend lectures/workshops.
  2. Psychological Capital: this is an openness to change, as one has passion for diversity, exploration, experimenting, challenges and adventure. The self-assured feel comfortable when not in control.
  3. Social Capital: this is networking skills, specifically intercultural empathy, interpersonal impact, and diplomacy. These leaders work effectively with people with diverging interests.
    (Source: Mansour Javidan, Thunderbird) 

Do you have a global mindset (intellectual, psychological and social capital)?