Corrupting Influence of Power

Corrupting Influence of Power

Many ethics courses focus on compliance and legal issues rather than character and moral issues. Higher-powered executives are less likely to consider how their decisions affect people. Basically, once a leader receives power, this diminishes their ability to see from another person’s perspective. In addition, they have a tendency to exploit others. They have entitled…

Ethics ,

Transformation: Culture & Mindset

Transformation: Culture & Mindset

“Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future.” Walt Disney, Dream Builder Globalization, technological innovation, and changing regulations are some of the factors creating unprecedented disruption and market turbulence. With this, there are profound changes in a company’s strategy, business model, organization, culture, people, and processes….

Change Management ,

Welcome to Nordstrom

Welcome to Nordstrom

For new hires during onboarding… “We’re glad to have you with our Company. Our number one goal is to provide outstanding customer service. Set both your personal and professional goals high. We have great confidence in your ability to achieve them.” Nordstrom Rules: Use best judgment in all situations. “There will be no other rules….

Professional Development

Global Expats

Global Expats

Compact international assignments are part of a larger mobility trend among multi-national companies. Many organizations do not have quality career management policies for expat assignments. For many, the global personnel management and talent development act separately; yet, they need to be integrated so that business and development goals can both be realized. The expat assignment…

Global Leadership



The top 3 reasons organizations address sustainability: Alignment – with business goals, mission or values Reputation – build, maintain, or improve corporate reputation Cost Cutting – improve operational efficiency and lower costs The most common actions include: reduce energy use in operations, reduce waste, and manage corporate reputations for sustainability (Source: McKinsey). Campbell’s Soup has…

Ethics ,

CEO Transitions

CEO Transitions

When new CEO’s transition into their roles, changes happen. They typically assess the organization design, complete a strategic review and assess the resource allocation between business units. If the CEO is external, he/she tends to outperform an internal hire because of the willingness to challenge the sacred cows and reverse previous CEO decisions. If the…

Change Management ,

The Automation Impact

The Automation Impact

America used to see the loss of manufacturing jobs caused by outsourcing to low-wage countries, as that was the case the last four decades (decrease of 7 million). Yet, since 2000, 85% of the job loss is to automation (Source: Ball State University). For example, an automobile welder costs $25/hour for a worker, and $8/hour…

Business Acumen

NY Giant

NY Giant

Michael Strahan, a super star football player for the NY Giants and now famous television journalist, spoke recently. The application to the business world: Everyone is unique, yet you need to work together because you are on the same team. You are accountable to your teammates, and you are either part of the problem or…

Professional Development

Big to Small Alliance

Big to Small Alliance

Large, incumbent companies are worried about disruption. Companies need agility and speed in making fast decisions to compete. They are continuously pivoting as an organization, placing themselves in “beta mode” for continuous testing and experimenting to see what really works. They are taking steps to mitigate this risk. They are buying start-ups, taking equity stakes…


Developing Global Citizenship

Developing Global Citizenship

Fortune 500 companies with headquarters in developed economies will fall to less than 55% by 2025 from 75% in 2013. 7 out of 10 new large companies will come from emerging markets. Developing deep cultural understanding and a sense of global citizenship can only be achieved through immersive, location-based activities. In addition, geographic diversity among…

Global Leadership